It's now possible at Polyvore and it's possibly the most fun I've had in a long time!
I've always, always, always loved ripping old magazines apart and putting collages together! But this really has brought it to a brand new level.
You can create your own little page of whatever style, colour or trend you want and the whole web is your oyster for doing so. Plus they've done loads of the searching for you so it's super user friendly.
Let's say you wanted a picture of a pair of jeans; all you need to type in the little search box is 'jeans' and it will literally come up with thousands of jeans sourced from all over the world, and best of all it's all latest season so there's a link which takes you straight to the site where they were sourced from so you can purchase it right then and there.If you want to search by a brand; type in 'Miu Miu' for instance and it will come up with all the listed Miu Miu products. You can also search by colour or even a general search like 'tassles' or 'military' will get this baby going.
It's just like creating your own magazine style page, you can add a little caption, a background and even crop picture of a model in or even something straight from the runway to make it look really real.
Best of all it's completely free! However I can't guarantee that somewhere along the line you won't be tempted to buy something that you've suddenly fallen in love with. Then all of a sudden you'll be on their website and clicking purchase before you know it ... just like I already have.
So go, create and have fun! www.polyvore.comHere's one I had fun with earlier, all a girl needs is a good pair of jeans!

I've always, always, always loved ripping old magazines apart and putting collages together! But this really has brought it to a brand new level.
You can create your own little page of whatever style, colour or trend you want and the whole web is your oyster for doing so. Plus they've done loads of the searching for you so it's super user friendly.
Let's say you wanted a picture of a pair of jeans; all you need to type in the little search box is 'jeans' and it will literally come up with thousands of jeans sourced from all over the world, and best of all it's all latest season so there's a link which takes you straight to the site where they were sourced from so you can purchase it right then and there.If you want to search by a brand; type in 'Miu Miu' for instance and it will come up with all the listed Miu Miu products. You can also search by colour or even a general search like 'tassles' or 'military' will get this baby going.
It's just like creating your own magazine style page, you can add a little caption, a background and even crop picture of a model in or even something straight from the runway to make it look really real.
Best of all it's completely free! However I can't guarantee that somewhere along the line you won't be tempted to buy something that you've suddenly fallen in love with. Then all of a sudden you'll be on their website and clicking purchase before you know it ... just like I already have.
So go, create and have fun! www.polyvore.comHere's one I had fun with earlier, all a girl needs is a good pair of jeans!
